Shuang Wen School Parent Association
Welcome! 歡迎大家!
Welcome! 歡迎大家!
Welcome to the PS 184M Shuang Wen School Parent Association! Our mission is to provide support and resources to PS 184M Shuang Wen School for the benefit and educational growth of all students.
News and Events
News and Events
PA Drop-in Hours, Week of 9/9-9/13, 8:15-9:00am
PA parent volunteers will be at morning drop-off to chat with parents. 家長在早上送孩子時有機會與家長會志工聊天。PA Drop-in Hours, Week of 9/9-9/13, 8:15-9:00am
Volunteer Interest Session, 9/13, 8pm, Zoom
Learn how you can get involved in our school, including opportunities for Mandarin speakers. 了解如何加入我們的活動,包括為說中文的人提供的機會。Sign up here >>Volunteer Interest Session, 9/13, 8pm, Zoom
Back-to-School Potluck and Activity Fair 返校聚餐活動和活動展 9/20, 5:30pm
The Parent Association invites the Shuang Wen Community to the Back-to-School Potluck and Activity Fair. Bring your favorite store-bought or homemade dish to share with the school community. Plus, meet after-school and activity providers from the neighborhood.Back-to-School Potluck and Activity Fair 返校聚餐活動和活動展 9/20, 5:30pm
家長會邀請雙文學校社區參加返校聚餐活動和活動展。 帶上您最喜歡的餐廳美食或自己烹飪的家常菜餚與學校社區分享。此外,還可以與附近的課後和活動提供者見面。
Sign up >>
Name Labels Fundraiser
The PA is partnering with Mabel's Labels to raise money. Your kids will lose less stuff, and the PA gets money to support our school. Learn more >>Name Labels Fundraiser
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